Zelda where to buy water bombs

Ikana Canyon Stone Tower Temple The Moon. Oracle of Seasons. Gnarled Root Dungeon 2. Snake's Remains 3. Poison Moth's Lair 4. Dancing Dragon Dungeon 5. Unicorn's Cave. Ancient Ruins 7. Explorer's Crypt 8. Onox's Castle Room of Rites. Oracle of Ages.

Spirit's Grave 2. Wing Dungeon 3. Moonlit Grotto 4. Skull Dungeon 5. Crown Dungeon. Mermaid's Cave 7. Jabu-Jabu's Belly 8. Ancient Tomb 9. The Black Tower The Wind Waker. Outset Island 2. Forsaken Fortress 3. Windfall Island 4. Dragon Roost Island 5. Dragon Roost Cavern 6. Forest Haven 7. Forbidden Woods. Nayru's Pearl 9. Tower of the Gods Hyrule Castle Earth Temple Wind Temple The Triforce The Minish Cap.

Deepwood Shrine 2. Cave of Flames 3. Fortress of Winds 4. Temple of Droplets 5. Palace of Winds 6. Dark Hyrule Castle. Ordon Village 2. The Twilight 3. Faron Woods: Twilight 4.

Forest Temple 5. Kakariko Village: Twilight 6. Death Mountain 7. Goron Mines 8. Lanayru Province: Twilight 9. Lake Hylia: Sidequests Lakebed Temple The Master Sword. Video Walkthrough Gerudo Desert Arbiter's Grounds Scaling Snowpeak Snowpeak Ruins Sacred Grove: Round Two Temple of Time In Search of the Sky City in the Sky Palace of Twilight Cave of Ordeals Hyrule Castle. Phantom Hourglass. Mercay Island 2.

Temple of Fire 3. Ocean King Part II 4. Temple of Wind 5. Temple of Courage 7. What do you need help on? Cancel X. Topic Archived. Sign Up for free or Log In if you already have an account to be able to post messages, change how messages are displayed, and view media in posts. User Info: Xfire User Info: Dragoner. You can purchase them from the Bomb Shop in Kakariko. But if you'd prefer to shell out a little more instead of go all that way, there's a Zora a few yards outside the entrance of the Water Temple who will sell you some for jacked-up prices.

The temple itself also has several treasure chests containing clutches of Water Bombs. I erode the human soul. User Info: fire adept. Dude they give you like 50 water bombs IN the water temple Lakebed temple. User Info: Flaian. User Info: kingnahum Answered How do I get past the water mills in the water temple at the bottom of lake hyrule?

Answered how can I use water bombs? Ask A Question. Keep me logged in on this device. Forgot your username or password? How do I stop the water in the Zora temple to get the compass? How iz it possible 2 get 2 da zora's underwater temple?

How do I get past the water mills in the water temple at the bottom of lake hyrule?


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